Prepare For Your IBEW Aptitude Test With Our FREE Practice Exam!
This Free IBEW Practice Test Includes:
Two separately timed sections to simulate the real exam
36 multiple choice questions to test reading & comprehension skills
33 multiple choice questions to test your algebra & functions skills
Instant test results & suggested next steps
What you’ll get after taking this IBEW practice test:
Skill Assessment
A comprehensive evaluation of your skills for application preparation.
Insider Guidance
Expert advice from an IBEW veteran for confident preparation.
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Hear From Our Successful Students!
Dakota Minckler
Elizabeth Morales
Jonathan Antonellis
Nicholas Haley
Chandler Urenda
Meet The Founder
Matt Jones
Journeyman Electrician
IBEW 569
Matt Jones created Ultimate Electrician’s Guide after experiencing first-hand how complicated and overwhelming entering the electrical trade was.
An IBEW member and a journeyman electrician himself, he brings a wealth of industry knowledge to his courses, ebooks, and free content. His content also draws from other industry experts and countless hours of research.
Jones’ mission is to involve the next generation of electricians in the union so they can enjoy steady incomes, medical benefits, pensions, and more.